We provide example Python 3 code to load the FoF and Rockstar halo catalogs and particle subsamples.
The main file is Halos.py;
we also provide Halotools.py,
which is a thin wrapper around Halos.py
that puts the catalogs in halotools format, where HODs can easily be applied.
All the code is available on the AbacusCosmos GitHub. Please file an issue there if you find a problem with the code.
Using these interfaces is not necessary; all of the data formats are documented in Data Specifications. But the example code might help you get started using the catalogs faster or help with implementing your own code to parse the catalogs.
The generally recommended usage is to clone the repository and add it to your PYTHONPATH
environment variable.
This will allow you to import AbacusCosmos from anywhere. Typically, this will involve
placing a command like the following in your ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/AbacusCosmos/:$PYTHONPATH"
Yuan, Eisenstein, & Garrison has also developed a decorated HOD package called GRAND-HOD that incorporates multiple HOD generalizations, such as assembly bias and velocity bias. The GRAND-HOD repository contains details on its usage and code examples.
The following examples are adapted from this Jupyter notebook.
from AbacusCosmos import Halos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
/home/lgarrison/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/__init__.py:36: FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
Load a single halo Rockstar catalog with particle subsamples:
# The path to the catalog will be different on your system
cat = Halos.make_catalog_from_dir(dirname='/mnt/gosling2/bigsim_products/AbacusCosmos_1100box_products/AbacusCosmos_1100box_00_products/AbacusCosmos_1100box_00_rockstar_halos/z0.300',
load_subsamples=True, load_pids=False)
halos = cat.halos
halo_1000 = halos[1000]
subsamples = cat.subsamples
for field in sorted(halo_1000.dtype.fields):
print(field, ':', halo_1000[field])
A : [53.04891 5.399098 -9.398761]
A2 : [39.850292 6.907639 -7.766779]
J : [-1.9693516e+13 2.7946513e+13 -1.4426672e+13]
N : 155
N_SO : 983
Voff : 29.62147
Xoff : 22.592842
alt_N : [135 121 91 29]
alt_N_SO : [983 983 983 48]
alt_m : [5.0370770e+12 4.5147137e+12 3.3953630e+12 1.0820388e+12]
alt_m_SO : [3.6677385e+13 3.6677385e+13 3.6677385e+13 1.7909607e+12]
b_to_a : 0.46212736
b_to_a2 : 0.38154382
bulkvel : [ -663.75305 93.82869 -1657.28 ]
bullock_spin : 0.07133085
c_to_a : 0.33044723
c_to_a2 : 0.27497157
child_r : 0.43996406
corevel : [ -682.8728 108.45962 -1700.5497 ]
desc : 0
energy : -9.7564e+16
flags : 25
halfmass_radius : 154.01212
id : 298710
kin_to_pot : 0.7260747
klypin_rs : 49.53651
m : 5783311000000.0
m_SO : 36677385000000.0
m_pe_b : 5295078600000.0
m_pe_d : 3507298200000.0
mgrav : 4775895600000.0
min_bulkvel_err : 984.3729
min_pos_err : 0.00025078392
min_vel_err : 1050.1628
n_core : 98
num_child_particles : 206
num_p : 206
p_start : 73900406
parent_id : 298727
pos : [426.93628 15.228214 237.38449 ]
r : 375.43213
rs : 55.43358
rvmax : 237.90572
spin : 0.054060824
subsamp_len : 18
subsamp_start : 40967
vel : [ -682.8728 108.45962 -1700.5497 ]
vmax : 303.44504
vmax_r : 0.43149778
vrms : 326.53113
The subsample particles should be near the halo location of [426.93628 15.228214 237.38449 ]
, and indeed they are:
particles_for_halo_1000 = subsamples[halo_1000['subsamp_start']:halo_1000['subsamp_start']+halo_1000['subsamp_len']]
[[426.9143 15.245714 237.90285 ]
[427.37714 15.368571 237.59572 ]
[427.23428 15.095714 237.58429 ]
[426.94427 15.0671425 237.53714 ]
[426.8857 15.225714 237.47571 ]
[426.9057 15.158571 237.44286 ]
[426.75427 15.267143 237.44142 ]
[427.12286 15.108572 237.42 ]
[427.1643 15.288571 237.35858 ]
[426.79858 15.330001 237.34572 ]
[426.9586 15.265714 237.34143 ]
[426.9943 15.207143 237.32713 ]
[426.67285 15.554285 237.28142 ]
[426.94858 15.187143 237.28 ]
[427.09717 15.387142 237.17857 ]
[426.53857 15.372857 237.11143 ]
[426.64716 15.35 236.78427 ]
[427.06 15.085714 236.72856 ]]
Filter out subhalos:
Note that the above halo is actually a subhalo since its parent_id
is not -1
. Let’s see what fraction of Rockstar halos are actually subhalos:
(halos['parent_id'] != -1).mean()
So about 10% are subhalos. For some analyses you might want to only include top-level parent halos, since Rockstar halo masses always include substructure mass:
print('# halos before subhalo filtering:', len(halos))
halos = halos[halos['parent_id'] == -1]
print('# halos after subhalo filtering:', len(halos))
# halos before subhalo filtering: 9565499
# halos after subhalo filtering: 8659263
Load all redshifts of a FoF catalog:
cats_by_z = Halos.make_catalogs(sim_name='emulator_1100box_planck_00',
redshifts='all', load_phases=False, load_subsamples=False, halo_type='FoF')
We can plot the evolution of the halo mass function with redshift:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for z in sorted(cats_by_z.keys()):
cat = cats_by_z[z]
bin_edges, bin_centers, hist = Halos.halo_mass_hist(cat.halos[0]['N'])
ax.loglog(bin_centers, hist, label='$z = {:.2f}$'.format(z))
ax.set_xlabel('Halo mass [# of particles]')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of halos')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe5c60e2ba8>
from AbacusCosmos import Halotools
import halotools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
Load two different cosmologies at redshift 0.1:
cats = Halotools.make_catalogs(sim_name='AbacusCosmos_720box', cosmologies=[0,1], redshifts=0.1,
phases=None, halo_type='Rockstar', load_halo_ptcl_catalog=False)
Generate mock galaxy catalogs for both:
for cat in cats:
# First apply an arbitrary mass cut to make the example run faster
cat.halo_table = cat.halo_table[cat.halo_table['halo_N'] >= 100]
# Make an approximate concentration column for mock purposes
cat.halo_table['halo_conc'] = cat.halo_table['halo_rvir'] / cat.halo_table['halo_klypin_rs']
from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltHodModelFactory
models = []
for cat in cats:
model = PrebuiltHodModelFactory('zheng07', redshift=cats[0].redshift, concentration_key='halo_conc')
models += [model]
Compute the 2PCF on the mock galaxies:
import Corrfunc
bins = np.logspace(-1,1.5,25)
bin_centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])/2.
tpcfs = []
for model in models:
gals = model.mock.galaxy_table
results = Corrfunc.theory.xi(X=gals['x'], Y=gals['y'], Z=gals['z'],
boxsize=model.mock.BoxSize, nthreads=4,
tpcfs += [results]
plt.loglog(bin_centers, tpcfs[0]['xi'], label=cats[0].SimName)
plt.loglog(bin_centers, tpcfs[1]['xi'], label=cats[1].SimName)
plt.xlabel(r'galaxy separation $s$ [Mpc/h]')
Print the particle subsamples for the 1000th halo in the second cosmology:
cats = Halotools.make_catalogs(sim_name='AbacusCosmos_720box', cosmologies=[0,1], redshifts=0.1,
phases=None, halo_type='Rockstar', load_halo_ptcl_catalog=True)
halos = cats[1].halo_table
subsamples = cats[1].halo_ptcl_table
i = 999
<Row index=999>
halo_id | halo_corevel [3] | halo_bulkvel [3] | halo_m_SO | halo_child_r | halo_vmax_r | halo_mgrav | halo_vmax | halo_rvmax | halo_rs | halo_klypin_rs | halo_vrms | halo_J [3] | halo_energy | halo_spin | halo_alt_m [4] | halo_alt_m_SO [4] | halo_Xoff | halo_Voff | halo_b_to_a | halo_c_to_a | halo_A [3] | halo_b_to_a2 | halo_c_to_a2 | halo_A2 [3] | halo_bullock_spin | halo_kin_to_pot | halo_m_pe_b | halo_m_pe_d | halo_halfmass_radius | halo_num_p | halo_num_child_particles | halo_p_start | halo_desc | halo_flags | halo_n_core | halo_subsamp_start | halo_subsamp_len | halo_min_pos_err | halo_min_vel_err | halo_min_bulkvel_err | halo_N | halo_alt_N [4] | halo_N_SO | halo_alt_N_SO [4] | halo_mvir | halo_rvir | halo_x | halo_y | halo_z | halo_vx | halo_vy | halo_vz | halo_upid | halo_hostid |
int64 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | int64 | int64 | int64 | int64 | int64 | int64 | int64 | int64 | float32 | float32 | float32 | int32 | int32 | int32 | int32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | int64 | int64 |
569976 | -152.74799 .. -599.93256 | -152.74799 .. -599.93256 | 9653903000000.0 | 0.00027807892 | 0.26705223 | 918326100000.0 | 195.09929 | 0.034244202 | 0.013399579 | 0.013399579 | 203.21617 | -592084000000.0 .. 550002360000.0 | -7822789500000000.0 | 0.02085905 | 918326100000.0 .. 390288570000.0 | 9653903000000.0 .. 528037500000.0 | 13.82113 | 18.201519 | 0.6558509 | 0.51455605 | -1.9109313 .. 25.46689 | 0.9471713 | 0.59796464 | 14.867451 .. -12.681051 | 0.023405345 | 0.7082647 | 1339113500000.0 | 390288570000.0 | 0.059088998 | 207 | 207 | 32769850 | 0 | 25 | 53 | 50850 | 17 | 4.5048728e-05 | 751.38617 | 751.38617 | 126 | 80 .. 34 | 841 | 841 .. 46 | 1446363500000.0 | 0.20255421 | 31.882689 | 45.794632 | 145.67741 | -152.74799 | 859.7607 | -599.93256 | 569974 | 569974 |
subsamples[halos['halo_subsamp_start'][i]:halos['halo_subsamp_start'][i] + halos['halo_subsamp_len'][i]]
<Table length=17>
x | y | z | vx | vy | vz | pid |
float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | float32 | int64 |
31.57621 | 46.07626 | 145.95335 | -469.4303 | 693.1775 | -122.841576 | 1637243587 |
31.929663 | 45.918232 | 145.87573 | -362.6751 | 732.6623 | -49.72159 | 1620647597 |
31.866077 | 45.79948 | 145.8 | -356.45993 | 859.6168 | -504.5279 | 1622709673 |
31.878233 | 46.225872 | 145.76727 | -213.51036 | 829.18066 | -650.7679 | 1628931922 |
31.874493 | 45.611534 | 145.7364 | -301.61993 | 885.6658 | -222.10194 | 1631011277 |
32.07366 | 45.440414 | 145.7093 | -425.00992 | 585.4169 | -160.40697 | 1612335919 |
31.868883 | 46.23335 | 145.69434 | -276.39355 | 731.1998 | -451.8815 | 1616498956 |
31.79782 | 45.83595 | 145.68967 | -87.74398 | 830.643 | -365.5999 | 1631009831 |
31.902546 | 45.819115 | 145.66815 | -235.44635 | 1061.7021 | -548.3999 | 1628939112 |
31.991377 | 45.540466 | 145.66254 | -490.8179 | 774.6148 | -296.13596 | 1628934790 |
31.806232 | 45.791065 | 145.65599 | -242.66695 | 549.7709 | -659.45087 | 1624786154 |
31.912832 | 45.77517 | 145.6242 | -315.32993 | 913.0858 | -748.5658 | 1631006954 |
31.75013 | 45.52457 | 145.6242 | -677.27386 | 952.84485 | -346.86295 | 1579159738 |
31.836155 | 45.76582 | 145.62047 | -153.55197 | 686.87085 | -652.5959 | 1628931911 |
31.986702 | 45.853714 | 145.57465 | -225.20955 | 884.75183 | -67.270386 | 1604057349 |
31.88291 | 45.802288 | 145.56157 | 50.72699 | 793.80884 | -788.3248 | 1626864073 |
31.922182 | 45.79013 | 145.34088 | -227.58595 | 1125.5907 | -667.6769 | 1628931917 |